Data Stories: Your Web Analytics Library

What is the standard dataLayer for ecommerce tracking?

The ecommerce object is the strandard object for ecommerce tracking. Its most important key is the items array which describes the items being tracked.

What is wait_for_update?

The wait_for_update parameter is used to halt data collection and wait for consent to update. It accepts any positive integer a value and is expressed in milliseconds.

What is the user_id in Google Analytics 4?

The user_id is a feature in GA4 that allows you to indenify users using an in-house recognized value for a better tracking. The most common values given to user IDs are hashed emails or database IDs.

What are enhanced conversions in Google Ads

Enhanced conversions allow you to send additional first-party customer data (like email, phone number, zip code, etc.)—typically in a hashed format—to Google Ads along with your conversion events. This extra data helps Google match conversions more accurately to ad interactions, leading to improved conversion measurement and attribution